The Taylor Taliesin Foundation was created in 2011 as a donor advised fund at Canada Gives, a registered charity. The donor family select all qualified grant recipients and prefer to actively engage with these charitable organizations. Canada Gives manages the administration and reporting for the foundation, and issues the grants.

Fine Arts & Theatre

The Taylor Taliesin Foundation believes in the power of creativity and the long-term benefits that can be achieved through engagement in the arts. Over the years we have supported a variety of community arts programs in Vancouver where people of all ages and backgrounds can gather together and explore the creative spirit that is inherent in all of us. We support inclusivity, therapeutic environments and programs that promote free exploration, life skill development and empowerment.


A major focus of the Taylor Taliesin Foundation has been to promote literacy. We believe that literacy is one of the most important skills for personal and community development. Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that allows you to communicate effectively. Our world has changed and we are now required to navigate the digital world in order to participate in society, stay informed and understand larger issues affecting each one of us and our communities. We understand that for some families buying books is just not possible given other priorities and the basic needs of their family. A major focus of the Taylor Taliesin Foundation is to put books in as many young hands as possible.

Adult Education & Skills Development

The Taylor Taliesin Foundation believes that education is essential and a fundamental right of all Canadians. We are committed to providing support and access to adult programming that will lift women out of poverty and allow them to build skills and improve their knowledge, leading to better job opportunities and success in the workplace. One of the themes that remains constant throughout our three streams of giving is “empowerment”.  We support programs that bring empowerment today, and build a better tomorrow.

Our Goal

Our goal is to grow as an active grant-making foundation and expand our reach within our three streams of giving; Fine Arts & Theatre, Literacy and Adult Education & Skills Development. In order to accomplish this, we have developed a strategic plan that can be summarized as follows:


  • Grow brand awareness and engagement
  • Enhance recipient experience
  • Maximize giving efficiency


Partnerships & Recipient Relations

  • Develop personal relationships with charities through on-site visits and meetings
  • Schedule regular follow-up communication with each grant recipient
  • Partner with new charities while maintaining and growing existing relationships with key charities
  • Explore foundation partners to consider joint project opportunities

Maximize Giving Efficiency

  • Develop feedback system and outcome metrics for grant recipients
  • Explore one new partnership per quarter
  • Initiate dialogue with grant recipients prior to giving to help define and fund specific needs